The Cute Motor Bike My uncle’s home is next to our home. He loves motor bikes very much. Already he has a TVS bike, a Honday scooty and a Yamaha Scooty. One day when he was checking the site he had found a chaly bike for only 10000 rupees. Next day he bought it. Actually, it was very funny. Earlier, We rode Footbicycles for fun. but after we found the Chaly, we rode it for fun. My youngest cousin sister tought to rode bicycle with the chaly. Actually, I was the instructor of her bicycle journey. 😂 We have somany beautiful memories with the Chaly. Unluckily My uncle sold it again with the fueal crisis. Blogged by Limal Hasara (Mu/21/109)
😂Horror of Food Festival Recently, the topic of food festival was famous amoung the social media. Though I haven't a more intrest, my cousin sister has crazy about that. So oneday she show me a post about a food festival at Gampaha. and she bothered me to go there. Somehow we visited there. There were so many food stoles.Most of were burger stoles. Then we tried some foods. A drink with a smoke called 'Smoke Mojito' was were very famous amoung the social media at food festivals.There also a stole of that. My sister tried it. but i didn't. Then we leaved from there. Actually, food festivals are very funny if we have more money. Then we moved from there to a Ice-Cream shop named 'Ice Lover' at the Gampaha town. We tried a Icecrem from there and came back home. Blogged by, Limal Hasara (Mu/21/109)